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Streaming music

‘Streaming’ gives you access to millions of tracks that you can listen to right away, provided you are connected to the internet. Streaming is a great option for listening to your playlist if you have internet access or use a smartphone.

If you want to carry your playlist around, here’s what you’ll need to get started with streaming:

  • Smartphone or tablet for listening on the go. You can also listen at home using a computer or smart speaker.
  • Access to WIFI or a mobile contract with internet access if you want to access your music everywhere
  • Monthly subscription to a music provider (usually around £10/month)*

*You can also have free accounts on some streaming platforms, but these come with adverts between your songs. A free account also does not allow you to listen to your music without an internet connection.

The videos below show you how to make a playlist on two popular streaming platforms: Spotify and YouTube Music.



How to - Make a playlist on Spotify with a Windows PC

How to - Make a playlist on Spotify with an Apple Mac

Music Detective magnifying glass icon

Looking for playlist inspiration? Why not check out Playlist for Life’s Spotify account:



YouTube Music

How to – Make a playlist onYouTube Music with a Windows PC

How to – Make a playlist on Youtube Music with an Apple Mac

Get in touch: If you have any questions about using streaming services to make a playlist please don’t hesitate to contact us