Shop now open! Share your love of music and support Playlist for Life. Visit now.

Shop now open! Share your love of music and support Playlist for Life. Visit now.

Living well with dementia through meaningful music

Meaningful music can help a person who lives with dementia, and those who love and care for them, to live well. Being told that you or a person you love has dementia can feel devastating. The condition, in all its forms, can take a toll on anyone affected. From the person living with dementia to … Read more

Brain Awareness Week: How music can support our brain health

The 11th-17th March is Brain Awareness Week, a global campaign to raise awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research. As a music and dementia charity, we encourage people to be mindful of their own brain health, how to improve mental wellbeing and stimulate the brain through personally meaningful music. Being mindful and taking … Read more

Creating personal playlists with Pride

Personally meaningful music can connect us to the deepest parts of our identity.  The place you are from, the experiences you have had and the communities you are part of all make up the soundtrack of your life.  For the LGBTQ+ community, music has played an important part for many years and our latest partner … Read more

Exploring local culture with music and memories

There’s a strong connection between music and memory. Listening to our favourite tunes is a powerful tool that can trigger happy memories of times gone by, reconnecting us with the people, places and events in our lives that brought us joy and contentment. And a Musical Tea is a fantastic way to share and celebrate … Read more

Painting the power of meaningful music

One piece of art can tell the story of many, and our latest project – a mural created in partnership with SWG3’s Yardworks Studio in Glasgow – beautifully depicts the tale of meaningful music and dementia. To mark our 10th anniversary year and National Playlist Day on Wednesday 21 September, we wanted to spread the … Read more

Musical Tea sing-along raises awareness and funds

Bringing people affected by dementia together to socialise and enjoy singing familiar tunes, Come and Sing Lenzie have been a Playlist for Life Help Point partner since 2018. On Tuesday 19 September 2023, the day before National Playlist Day, the group held a lively Musical Tea at their venue, Lenzie Old Parish Church. Cakes and … Read more

Sharing music and memories through community spirit

A weekly reminisce group in the Scottish Highlands harnessedthe power of meaningful music with help from members of its community.  From musical quizzes and an appearance on local radio, the Whatever the Weather Wednesday group at Gairloch Museum pulled out all the stops to host a Musical Tea on Wednesday 20 September to mark National … Read more

Ryde Library shares success behind monthly Musical Tea

Part of the joy of hosting a Musical Tea is that it’s easy and fun to arrange, and one library on the Isle of Wight found it so fun that they’ve made it a monthly event.     For more than a year, Ryde Library has been attracting around 12 people to their musical gathering, … Read more