Five Questions With… Graham Gardiner

We sit down with Graham Gardiner, Chief Executive, at Ardgowan Hospice, who is using meaningful music to support people through what can be their most distressing chapter. Hi Graham. Thank you for taking the time to talk to us. Can you tell us about your job and what motivates you in the role?  I’m the […]

Playlist for Life takes part in 24 hour ‘hackathon’

We want everyone with dementia to have access to a personal playlist and students from across the UK have come up with ways to make creating and accessing a playlist even easier. Playlist for Life had the fantastic opportunity to take part in the Code for Good ‘hackathon’ run by the Tech for Social Good […]

Five Questions With… Helen Skinner

We sit down with Helen Skinner, the Dementia Nurse Consultant for NHS Fife, about how she successfully embedded personal playlists into NHS Fife’s dementia care.  Hi Helen, thank you for taking the time to speak to us. You’ve been instrumental in embedding personal playlists into the care of people living with dementia across NHS Fife. […]

Music to boost my mood – Gerry’s story

Gerry King is a musician and activist living with dementia. He shares how playlists support his wellbeing. “Music is by far the most therapeutic thing I do. I have playlists for different moods that I’m feeling. For example, if I’m a bit stressed, or a bit down, or in a party mood. The music I […]

Creating ‘group playlists’ to build connection in the community

Community organisations have created ‘group playlists’ to get people talking about music and memories. As part of our National Playlist Day campaign in September, we encouraged our Help Point Network, which includes libraries, art clubs and support groups for older people, to create a playlist that was made from the songs that soundtrack attendees’ lives.  […]