Shop now open! Share your love of music and support Playlist for Life. Visit now.

Shop now open! Share your love of music and support Playlist for Life. Visit now.

Football and music

Have you ever tried making a personalised playlist only to realise that you don’t really listen to music? Music is everywhere: in adverts, films, shops, and even at the football. So, if you’re struggling with where to begin, look up the soundtrack to your favourite TV show or think back to the chants you’ve sung … Read more

Singing groups and choirs

Dementia choirs are great. Singing has been scientifically proven to be good for our health, from getting more oxygen in our blood to improving our mental health. And, singing together means being part of a supportive, social environment where new friendships are made, our confidence is boosted, and we develop a shared sense of identity … Read more

Our Dementia Choir

Wow! Have you seen the Vicky McClure documentary, Our Dementia Choir? The team at Playlist for Life is still drying our eyes. Well done to Vicky and the documentary team for showing the power that music has to help dementia. It is brilliant to see such an important documentary being aired on primetime TV to raise … Read more

Playlist for Life’s newest Music Detectives

Another 100 communities now have access to information on getting started with playlists. Playlist for Life HQ is buzzing with excitement! We have been working away on a few projects that we look forward to sharing with you, starting with the great work we’ve been doing with Alzheimer’s Society. The entire team has been working hard … Read more

A Musical Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is this Sunday. It’s a day dedicated to all the hard work and wonderful things our mothers do for us, but it can be tough on those of us whose mothers are living with dementia. She may not recall the same memories you cherish, she might not remember who you are, or she … Read more

Not just ‘oldies’

Oftentimes, when we think of the music to add to a person’s playlist, we tend to think about songs from the war, Ol’ Blue Eyes, and other ‘golden oldies’. ✨ But, many people will have lived their youth and young adult years in the Swinging Sixties and even the Seventies, listening to the likes of Bowie, … Read more

Original or cover version?

Have you ever heard a song playing in the background only to realise that it doesn’t sound quite right? It’s not uncommon to come across remixes or cover versions of beloved songs, but a person with dementia may not understand what’s happening, and might become confused or even agitated when listening to a version of … Read more

Make a playlist for a loved one

We all struggle to find the right words that describe how we feel about someone. That is especially true for someone with dementia. Thankfully, when words fail, music ? speaks. This Valentine’s Day, why not use the power of playlists to share with your loved one how you feel and the memories you cherish most? You could … Read more

Get the young ones involved

Smartphones, tablets, streaming, downloading, apps… Technology can get a little confusing and overwhelming. If you find yourself stuck on where to begin, why not ask your child or grandchild for help? They’ll help you get started with the devices that best suit your needs. But, remember, you don’t need technology or fancy gadgets to create … Read more

Songs from musicals

We’ve all seen a musical, some of us may have even put one on at school or at our community centre. Songs from musicals are catchy, uplifting, and moving. They remind us of singing the songs in our bedrooms as a child, pretending we were the star of the show, or of a night out … Read more