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Shop now open! Share your love of music and support Playlist for Life. Visit now.

Help Point Spotlight: Royal Voluntary Services Tayport

Over 2,500 groups and organisations who provide support to people living with dementia are part of our Help Point network. In this blog Jennifer Stewart, Service Coordinator in Tayport for the Royal Voluntary Service shares how becoming a Playlist for Life Help Point has impacted their services.  The Royal Voluntary Service mobilises volunteers in every corner of … Read more

Bollywood Favourites with Age Scotland

At Playlist for Life, we’re lucky to work with a wide range of partners working in diverse communities across the UK. We recently worked with Age Scotland to use Bollywood music to enrich lives of older adults. We worked with Age Scotland and The Scottish Ethnic Minority Older People Forum (SEMOPF) on a ‘Bollywood Memories’ … Read more

Sparking memories through sport and music

Sports-themed reminiscence groups in Fife have been using music to build rapport and confidence with their members. Sporting Memories Foundation Scotland is a charity and social enterprise supporting people who live with dementia, depression and loneliness. After becoming part of our Help Point network in December 2021, groups in Dunfermline, Kirkcaldy and Glenrothes in Fife … Read more

Painting the power of meaningful music

One piece of art can tell the story of many, and our latest project – a mural created in partnership with SWG3’s Yardworks Studio in Glasgow – beautifully depicts the tale of meaningful music and dementia. To mark our 10th anniversary year and National Playlist Day on Wednesday 21 September, we wanted to spread the … Read more

Musical Tea helps community connect

A personalised playlist can tell the story of your life through music, making playlists a great way to connect and get to know someone on a deeper level. We work with over 2,500 Playlist for Life ‘Help Points’ around the UK: community groups supporting people living with dementia, their families and carers. As well as … Read more

Ryde Library shares success behind monthly Musical Tea

Part of the joy of hosting a Musical Tea is that it’s easy and fun to arrange, and one library on the Isle of Wight found it so fun that they’ve made it a monthly event.     For more than a year, Ryde Library has been attracting around 12 people to their musical gathering, … Read more

Five ways we marked National Playlist Day

A full day to celebrate the power of music for dementia? Count us in! On 20th September 2023 we spearheaded the second annual National Playlist Day: a day to raise awareness of the power of personalised playlists for people living with dementia. Held during World Alzheimer’s Month, and on the day before World Alzheimer’s Day … Read more

Living well with dementia cookery course

At Playlist for Life we want to highlight the work of other organisations who support people to live well with dementia. We like to promote activities that may be helpful to our readers who live with dementia themselves or support people who do. Deepness Dementia Media is a platform that gives people tools for living … Read more