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Shop now open! Share your love of music and support Playlist for Life. Visit now.

Playlist for Life wins Community Engagement Award!

We’re proud winners of the Community Engagement Award at this year’s Scottish Power Foundation Awards, which recognises amazing work to enact positive change within local areas.   It’s changed how we communicate with people with dementia and it’s spreading through our community! Help Point Leader, South Lanarkshire We’re thrilled to announce our latest award for … Read more

A playlist in memory of Dad

Alicia’s father was diagnosed with a rare form of dementia called Posterior Cortical Atrophy when she was 11 years old. Using our resources, Alicia and her mother have tracked down the music from their past, creating a personalised playlist of the songs that bring back cherished memories of her dad whenever they hear it. What … Read more

1,000 libraries using personal music to empower people living with dementia

1,000 UK libraries are now signed up as Playlist for Life Help Points, making our resources accessible to local communities through dementia-friendly social inclusion. This Libraries Week, we celebrate hitting the huge milestone of 1,000 UK library Help Points now signed up to our community network — around a quarter of all British libraries! (Source: … Read more

Become a Music Detective – National Playlist Day

My wife Ann had Alzheimer’s. This was our song when we first met and ever since. She never forgot it. Everyone has a unique soundtrack to their life… This National Playlist Day, we’re encouraging people to connect with their memories by uncovering their unique playlist. The tunes that can bring memories flooding back! On 29th … Read more

Announcement: National Playlist Day

POSTPONEMENT: National Playlist Day (originally scheduled for 22nd September 2022) Following the sad news of the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, and announcement of her funeral on 19th September, we have taken the decision to postpone National Playlist Day (original date 22nd September) until 29th September 2022. National Playlist Day is a UK-wide celebration … Read more

Share the power of personalised playlists for World Alzheimer’s Month

This World Alzheimer’s Month we’re sharing personal stories, inspiring videos, and valuable insights from those affected by dementia, and asking you to explore the music from your past to help us raise awareness of the profound effects of personally meaningful music. Our emotional connection with music is entirely unique, and some people can experience a ‘flashback feeling’ when … Read more

Dipak Dristi – personalised playlists in the community

Community group Dipak Dristi are creating personalised playlists in Tameside. “I have witnessed they are very quiet, doing nothing, withdrawn. Then you put the music on and you can see their eyes; pupils getting bigger, eyebrows raised. And they will sing the whole song all the way through and are laughing, cheek to cheek.” Jayshree, … Read more

‘It takes me straight back’ – Iain Fraser’s story

Iain, who has dementia, shares how personally meaningful music changed his life. “I’ve got a pair of headphones, so I can just sit there, put them on and I’m happy (…) it just takes me straight back to when I was a young man.” Iain Fraser Iain also tells us the remarkable story how … Read more

Discover your identity tracks – South Asian Heritage Month

Personal music can be associated with aspects of our deepest identity. This South Asian Heritage Month, track down the music that echoes a journey through time for a loved one living with dementia. This year’s theme is Journeys of Empire, focusing on the experiences of those who came to the UK from their native countries. … Read more