Meaningful music at Hindu Mandir Glasgow

At Playlist for Life, we believe that everyone has a soundtrack to their life. Music from our heritage, culture and religion can all contribute to a personalised playlist.

We work with Help Points (anywhere that supports people living with dementia) in a wide range of locations throughout the UK: from small organisations to libraries, befriending groups and, the subject of this blog, faith centres,

In 2019, the Priest at the Hindu Mandir in Glasgow kindly mad a Hinduism playlist for us to add to the faith category of our Spotify playlist library.   

In early 2023 we approached the Shanti Bhavan Social & Cultural Centre at the Hindu Mandir and were invited along to their seniors group on a Thursday in April to introduce Playlist for Life and have lunch.


The majority of the group are not living with dementia, but one lady who attends has advanced dementia. Mrs Sood no longer takes part in conversation, but the ladies told us they often sing with her. Some of the ladies sang Punjabi songs from childhood and talked about the memories they brought back. As a result of the visit, the Shanti Bhavan Social & Cultural Centre agreed to join our Help Point network and share our printed resources in English, Hindu and Punjabi with their community. 


At a further visit we showcased our resources and chatted to many of the ladies who shared their knowledge of the power of music and what it means to them personally, with one lady sharing how music brings back memories of her mother who was a musician. During the session the ladies began to sing to engage Mrs Sood. Mrs Sood began to sing ‘the old songs’ and the ladies sang along with her and we were fortunate to gain permission to film a clip of this moment. The group commented on how well the music engages Mrs Sood and how she remembers all the words and they were keen to highlight this as an example of what we had been talking about – the power of music.

We continue to connect with the group, attending International Yoga Day celebrations at Hindu Mandir Temple and Interfaith Weeks Celebrations. We are grateful to Mr Khurana and the Shanti Bhavan Social & Cultural Centre for their generous hospitality and for helping share our resources in their community.  



Thank you to the Scottish Power Foundation for supporting us to connect with underreached and underserved communities.