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Supporter Spotlight: Sean Elder

Supporters across the UK are spreading the word about the power of playlists for people living with dementia.

One of these amazing people is Sean Elder from St. Andrews.

Sean first learned of Playlist for Life after he spotted two of his favourite Scottish bands wearing our charity t-shirts. 

Members of Tide Lines and Skerryvore donned our What’s on your playlist t-shirt, which Sean went on to purchase himself.

Passionate about music, and keen to support Playlist for Life, Sean decided to fundraise in a unique way: by asking for charity donations in lieu of gifts for his 40th birthday.

Sean with the ensemble

Sean said:

“As a therapist and a qualified nurse I have worked with people with dementia and their families and close friends. I know that music is so powerful. I play viola for a community orchestra and I have my own mixed ensemble and quartet.  We all have our own tastes, but music is a universal language, that means it connects people. 

I’m now 40, and have worked incredibly hard for over 24 years in the care sector in many jobs, and so when it came to my birthday, I didn’t want people feeling pressure to get me any gifts, so the donation suggestion was natural for me and I know it meant that people could give what they could without having to worry about what to get me, or feel they had to get me anything at all. (I was still lavished and spoiled with many gifts!)”

In addition to Sean’s generous support for his birthday, he has also planned a charity concert in aid of Playlist for Life, with the North East Fife Community Ensemble.

On Saturday 24th August Sean and the ensemble will perform at St Leonard’s Church in St. Andrews. The event is free, with donations to Playlist for Life welcome. Find out more via the Eventbrite listing. We hope to see you there!